Thursday, April 24, 2008

Margarita DUOS part Deux

Here's a great variation!

And, another way to make Foam/cloud/air.
Lets call it cilantro clouded margarita.
So, start with the classic, strain it into a shot glass and top with the cilantro cucumber foam that I'm about to describe.
To make it, you'll need one of those fancy desert whippers and:
1 cucumber
2 lg sprigs of cilantro
2oz blue agave nectar
2oz water
4oz of egg whites

Basically, take the cucumber and blend it with the cilantro. strain it using a china cap and add 4oz of it with the nectar, water and egg whites.  Pour into the dessert whipper, shake and add the N02 cartridge.  Its got to chill a bit so ideally its made before the margarita.  Anyways, use this as a topper to the classic margarita, giving it a balanced layered look and a great new flavor to an old classic.

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