Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Paul Revere

The chemicals are here. The chemicals are here. Lord almighty the chemicals are here!

Now reality has set in....

I have on my desk at work a series of containers that have abbreviations for agar agar, acacia gum, soy lecithin, etc....  Now I've used soy lecithin before (see previous posts) but all this other stuff is overwhelming.  I cannot wait to get started but promised myself that I wouldn't start without my cohort who was unable to come in due to it being laundry day for him....  Wild, I know but some people actually do plan their lives around their laundry.  Me, I just buy more clothes....

Anyways, our first experiment is going to be with this orb do-hickey.  The chefs seem to think that making an orb with alcohol on the inside will be difficult, but we'll figure it out I'm sure.
Here's the thought - tequila and agave nectar orb topped with orange and lime zest.  I'm envisioning a slightly yellow orb on a spoon with orange and green shavings on top....  If we pull off the orb, then we'll top the whole thing with some salt "air".  

If it works, it will be the pre-dinner drink at our next Paradigm the Test Kitchen dinner.  If it doesn't, we'll do some fruit compressed with gin (using a cryovac dohickey) and call it a day.  But, we're hopeful..... Hasta manana

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