Ok, for all of those sleeping out there and to those who don't quite grasp the written word: to truly make an exceptional drink you need to start with great ingredients. Don't use sour mix, don't use bottled lime juice from Rose's, don't use those butt-ugly "margarita" glasses that you can find everywhere. Do use fresh limes, buy a muddler, use fresh fruit, use agave nectar or make your own infused simple syrup and get creative with the components.
So, fast forward. Maybe you've heard of Chadzilla,
maybe you've heard of Paradigm the Test Kitchen. Well one day they were using Sea Beans for one of their plates. Having never really used sea beans I was entrigued. So, basically Sea Beans are seeds and fruits that are carried to the ocean, often by freshwater streams and rivers, then drift with the ocean currents. We tried them and they really impart a subtle saltiness to a dish. So, the obvious connection? margaritas!!!
Here's a glass filled with sea beans and Cazadores tequila. Basically we let them soak overnight with the idea that they'd take in the tequila and basically would create a tequila shot that you'd only need to chase with some lime and/or orange.
Technically it worked, but GROSS!! I'm glad it was only Bacardi-ish Tequila that we wasted.
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